
Top 4 attractions to visit in Innsbruck's Old Town

Altstadt Innsbruck Old Town

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Golden Roof Innsbruck Goldenes Dachl

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Innsbruck’s Old Town is the home of efficiency when it comes to sightseeing! Countless historic sights can be found here, these are our 4 favorites:

The Golden Roof

What the Eiffel Tower is to Paris, the Golden Roof is to Innsbruck! It is located in the heart of the Old Town, and due to its trademark golden shingles, it cannot be missed, even if you try! It was built by emperor Maximilian I. in order to put an end to rumors of financial problems in the empire at the time. I guess that’s what you call a ‘flex’! If you want to find out more about Maximilian and the history of Tyrol, check out the museum inside the Golden Roof!

Helbling Haus

If you can get your eyes off the Golden Roof’s beautiful shingles, turn around 180° and look at the equally beautiful Helbling Haus! It was originally built in a gothic style in the 15th century. At the end of the 18th century, it then received a baroque-style makeover, which you can admire nowadays! While there used to be a café inside, nowadays, it houses residents who unfortunately don’t offer any tours. Thank god its exterior is so darn gorgeous!

Altstadt City Tower

Adjacent to the Helbling Haus, you’ll find the City Tower, which was here even before the Golden Roof! Walking up its 148 steps will give you the best possible view of the Altstadt and the rest of Innsbruck. While this place used to be a jail, back in the old days, it is free of any knife-wielding criminals these days. However, a rumor about a ghost roaming the tower’s staircase exists. Any sightings shall be reported in the comments!


Last but not least, a building which was built only to house a tomb… which is empty! Maximilian I. (yes, that guy again) actually planned this tomb while he was still alive. However, it took so long to finish that he died before its completion and was buried in Vienna instead. Even without a corpse inside, the tomb is a masterpiece which you should check out yourself! Not only that, but the church itself features some other cool things, like one of the world’s oldest working organs (the instrument)!

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