
Covid-19 measures in Austria and Italy

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Entry into Austria

You can find all important and up – to – date travel informations on the website of the Austrian Sozialminsterium (please click here), on the British government website (please click here), American Foreign Affairs website (please click here), the Australian Foreign Affairswebsite (please click here) and the Canadian Foreign Affairswebsite (please click here).

Since the 16. April 2022 the 3G rule applies upon entry. The only exception to this is entry is when travellers enter from virus variant areas.

Covid- 19 measures in Tyrol region

The here indicated safety measures are valid in the land Tyrol in Austria.

Measures of the Austrian government can be tightened in the single lands according to the actual Covid-19 situation. Please check the safety measures in the single lands that you enter or pass.

On this map (please click here) you find the colors that Austria is divided into, from green to red, indicating the Covid situation in the single lands.

Mandatory facial fask

  • In Austria you don’t have to wear a facial mask outdoors since the 16th April
  • Mandatory facial mask (FFP2) in closed rooms:
  • hospitals,retirement and nursing homes and comparable settings,
  • public transport and its stops as well as taxis,
  • customer areas of vital trade and daily necessities,
  • administrative authorities in party traffic and
  • places of worship, unless entered for the purpose of a religious gathering such as a mass

Green Pass

In Austria the Covid – 19 measures are divided into 2G, 2G+ and 3G.

  • 2G means,that only vaccinated and healed persons have access.
  • 2G+ means,that only vaccinated and healed persons with a negative antigenic or PCR test have access.
  • 3G means, that only vaccinated, healed or negatively tested persons have access.

3-G proof only has to be provided by visitors, employees and service providers in hospitals, nursing homes and comparable settings.

Follow this link for detailed measures and eventual tightened measures in the land of Tyrol.

Last updated: 05/05/2022

Please always refer to official governmental websites for up to date and correctCovid-19 info as measures change constantly.

Entry into Italy

You can find all important and up – to – date travel informations on the website of the Italian Ministry of Health (please click here), on the British government website (please click here), American Foreign Affairs website (please click here), the Australian Foreign Affairs website (please click here) and the Canadian Foreign Affairs website (please click here).

Covid- 19 measuresin Veneto region

The here indicated safety measures are valid in the Veneto region in Italy. Measures of the Italian government can be tightened in the single regions according to the actual Covid-19 situation. Please check the safety measures in the single regions that you enter or pass.

On this map (please click here) you find the colors that Italy is divided in to, from white to red, indicating the Covid situation in the single region.

Mandatory facial fask

The obligation to wear masks outdoors was lifted by the Health Minister Speranza from May 1st, 2022 to June 15th, 2022.

An FFP2 mask is still mandatory indoors in case of events (theaters, cinemas, concerts,...), sporting events and on public transportation.

In museums, on the other hand, it is not mandatory anymore to wear a facial mask, unless there are events or concerts taking place in museums (in this case, masks are still mandatory).

Green Pass

In Italy exists the „Green Pass Base“ and „Super Green Pass“ (also called "Green Pass rafforzato").

  • The "Green Pass Base" includes vaccinated, healed or tested persons. Attention: The antigenic test has to be maximum 48 hours and the PCR test maximum 72 hours old.
  • The "Super Green Pass" includes vaccinated and healed persons.
  • Children under 12 years don’t need a Green Pass.

Here you can find a list by the Italian government (unfortunately in Italian only) that lists all activities permitted without Green Pass (consentito SENZA Green Pass), with the Basic Green Pass (consentito con Green Pass „Base“) or with the Super Green Pass (consentito con Green Pass Rafforzato).

Since May 1st, 2022, you only need the GreenPass for access to hospitals, retirement homes, ...

Last updated: 05/05/2022

Please always refer to official governmental websites for up to date and correct Covid-19 info as measures change constantly.


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